The Embodied Feminine is a woman who’s open and surrendered to Shakti – the vibrational energy/life-force that moves us all
– The Embodied Feminine wants to experience the FULL expression of who she is
– The Embodied Feminine is comfortable in her body… in her sensuality, heart, emotions, mind, thoughts, Spirit, Soul. She EMBRACES ALL of herself – all the different flavors and colors that appear in and through her
– She knows Love is the Ultimate Truth, and this Knowing guides her in all that she does
– The fully-embodied woman lives in conscious awareness of her true nature as Source Energy… as Love
– She’s a woman who brings the awareness of her spiritual nature back down to Earth – into her body, relationships, and all of life
– The Fully-Embodied, Feminine Woman is Real. She is Here. And she is ready to live an Awakened, Alive, Immense, Full-On Life!
– She says “Yes!” to life in its entirety
– She allows all the different energies, feelings, experiences, flavors, and phases of life to move through her naturally
Are you a Fully-Embodied, Feminine Woman, too?
Sheetal R Ahuja