I had not learnt to respect my body as the sacred temple that it is, or to approach my sexuality as SACRED!
So many of us learned to ‘tone down’ our sexual energy
So many of us have disconnected with our sexual energy,
We have allowed our sexual energy to disconnect from our hearts and our spiritual lives.
Over time I dived more and more into feminine embodiment practices and a whole new world revealed itself in my body. From beneath the mental chatter, my intuitive knowing became increasingly loud and clear. What was revealed was a rich terrain of yummy sensations in my body.
I awoke to my PRIMAL POWER!
I began to feel my Shakti (my feminine life force energy!) awaken and move freely through my body. I feel more JUICY, CONNECTED AND ALIVE.
My discovery of the nourishing and powerful Tantric feminine practices expanded my experience of sexual energy. A woman who embodies her feminine essence, embraces her sexual energy as sacred, and meets her body as a temple.
Sensual Vitality is ALIVENESS.
When you are plugged into your sensual vitality, you feel deeply connected to the sensations in your body. You feel yourself as a vibrant field of energy that is connected to the life force of the universe (as in NOT separate/ alone/ cut off). You become deliciously intimate with your own sexual energy in a way that feels very fulfilling and energizing.
Sexual energy is pure life force energy. When we honor it as sacred and know how to work with it in nourishing and empowering ways, then our sexual energy can become a powerful resource, a source of inspiration and motivation and nourishment. A force that we can channel wisely to create healthy, juicy, nourishing, inspired lives.
Your Sensual Intelligence is your DRIVING FORCE that guides you back to your INNER KNOWING & WISDOM!
Your Sensual Intelligence is your BIGGEST BLESSING that enables you to tap into your innate POWER!
Sheetal R Ahuja