Magdalene Rose

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6 Keys to Tantric Orgasm

6 Keys to Tantric Orgasm!

1.       Awareness:-  Awareness is your capacity to observe and witness yourself. The orgasm is not going to happen if you are not there, if you are lost in your thoughts, plans, or memories. When we approach sexuality with awareness, it transforms itself into a spiritual practice that creates love and deepens the experience of the present moment.  Train yourself to be aware of even a slightest pleasure present in your body, such as the wind touching your skin, warmth in your genitals, or the delicious feeling when you stretch your neck

2.       Breathe:- Breathe deeper and slower than you normally would. With every inhalation, soften your body more, and with every exhalation, relax deeper and let go. Whether you are practicing self-pleasure or are sensually or sexually connecting with your beloved, elongate your breath. If we are not breathing fully, we are not allowing life to fully reveal itself through us

3.       Relaxed Body:- Do a body scan several times per day and relax all the clenched places. Eventually, it becomes a habit. We are taught to suck the belly in, but now, I invite you to drop into your body. Drop deeper and deeper through a continuous relaxation, through softening, saying yes to your belly and to all of life

4.       Free flow of emotions:- We cannot be completely shut off in life and then orgasm in bed like crazy. Our emotions naturally want to flow, and not be repressed. Notice what emotions are coming up for you, and instead of pushing them away, try allowing them. Allow the emotion, even if it is one of the uncomfortable emotions, such as sadness, frustration, or anger. You will see that when you actually feel your emotions, they tend to pass faster and flow

5.       Sound:-  Sound works from within the body; it spreads the vibration and helps the energy spread and rise to the level of the heart and throat, which is exactly what we need to activate the full-body orgasm. As you make sound, you activate more of Shakti—in other words, life in you.

6.       Movement:- Breath, sound, and movement are the three anchors that we have full access to at all times. They help us generate more energy in ourselves, and they also allow this energy to move through us, thus spreading the sensation, the pleasure, and opening us up to the incredible full-body orgasm


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